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True Queen Fashion Update

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True Queen Fashion Update

Sketchy: Alexandre Vauthier Haute Couture A/W 2012

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 06:01 AM PDT


I’ve been searching for a reason to start drawing again, now that my last mid term exam is finally behind me (thank you baby Jesus!) I can get reacquainted at least for a little while,with all the things that spread a goofy smile across my face. For inspiration  I was looking through somone of the fashion shows over at fashionising.com and came across the Alexandre Vauthier Fall Haute Couture collection; loved it.  Clean bold shapes and gotti gold accessories, this partiucular outfit read as summer to me, on a cool breezy day. I wasn’t too familiar with the design house until Rihanna put them on the map for me with an aquamarine green piece with football looking exaggerated shoulders she sported back in 2010 with her bowl cut.  Loved it then, love it now! Alicia Keys was even spotted working one of their dresses at the 2012 Grammy Awards looking top notch of course.

Any who what do you think?  Have I captured the look?  Have you seen the Alexandre haute couture collection?

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