I’ve missed you all!!
Wow has it really been that long?? Theres been so much going on in my life since the last time I blogged! Since August I’ve started my last year of my current program at school, which so far has cranked the intensity to 100, especially in the assigned reasings department…thank god for sacaddic eye movements…sorry corny psyhcology joke…lol.
Otherwise my little man started his first year of school! He’s having a blast and so am I although I have to admit its been a bit of an adjustment for me to get use to managing my time keeping track of all his school firends names, (there seems to be a new friend everyday) events and homework but I’m getting the hang of it! Just yesterday he had his first field trip to Whittamore’s Farm, so I volutenteered to go along since I’m off for reading week. My thought process was….free pumpkins…a day with my lil man…why not!
As a volunteer I was assigned another child to supervise, throughout the day. During our brief parent teacher prep talk I just prayed I was assigned a lil angel and not a lil monster. There was one kid who kept picking his nose lol..I ended up with a very pleasant little boy name Max…thankfully he wasn’t the kid with his finger buried up his skull. The little boy we got paired with was amazing, and so was our day!
We went on a wagon ride through the haunted forest, which wasn’t very scary, got a pumpkin seminar; how a pumpkin grows, and all the goodies you can make with them…that’s part had my full attention! What else do you do with a pumpkin but make pumpkin pie? And that’s exactly what I did!
Here’s how I did it…

This was my first swing at the pumpkin pie game, I went in swinging, and think I did a pretty bang up job!
I like simplicity, and this pie was not only simple…in concept…its also vegetarian, meaning no eggs and no milk. (recipe here)
Pumpkin Pie
makes one 9″ pie
For the filling
1/2 of one medium sized pumpkin (deseeded and halved…again)
1 cup soy or almond milk, unsweetened
2 Tbs of maple syrup
3 Tbsp butter (I used reduced fat Becel)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cinnamon
1/4 tsp
1 tsp of grated ginger (optional)
1/4 raisins (optional)
1/4 crushed peanuts (for garnish)
1. Scrub and deseed the pumpkin. Fill a pan with water and preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Place the pumpkin halves in the water bath flesh side up and drizzle with syrup. Roast until tender, it should pull away from the skin with general ease when its done. I used a spoon to separate the skin from the flesh.
2. Mash the pumpkin prior to placing it in a blender with all the other ingredients (butter, cinnamon, salt, ginger and milk) puree until smooth.
3. Pour your filling into pie crust (you can make one from scratch for the sake of time I bought one)
4.Bake at 400 degrees for 45 mins, then place in fridge or freezer to cool before serving.
5. Serve with a spoon of plain Greek yogurt for that extra kick!
I’m going to be sharing all the fun stuff I do with the rest of the pumpkin this week so check back!
