The search for a new place to call home continues, it seem like all I do is swoon over various lovely decor items I come across at Home Sense or Benix and Co teeming with anticipation over the soon coming move. Location is very important to us, and being as stubborn as Jarratt and I both are we refuse to settle for something we aren’t totally in love with.
With that said we still have some time in our schedule to be picky; we outlined September as the move out deadline, so I’ll continue to cling to my outrageous demands! A dishwasher, on site laundry, and stainless steel appliances…is that too much to ask for???
Every place I actually love is the size of a shoebox, and I simply won’t be squeezed into another sardine can. *Shakes head* no way Jose!
When it comes to a color palette white has been a major color of inspiration for me; it’s clean, classic and never fails. As long as there are warm touches of woods, and rugs that bring in soft textures to offset that clinical feeling white tends to leave behind, I’m all for it.
How do you feel about white interiors?
Enjoy your day! Don't forget to enter my Orient Watches giveaway here giveaway closes July 4th!

images via lyonmag, tumblr